Kat Mindenhall, LCSW, Director: Certified Emotionally Focused Therapist and Supervisor

Tues/Weds/Thurs, 9am to 1:30pm.
I’m Kat, Owner & Director of A Peaceful Life Counseling in Lakewood, CO. I’m a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Emotionally Focused Therapist who works with individuals and couples to provide relationship and intimacy therapy. I also provide supervision to those seeking to deeper their understanding of EFT.
My Approach
I’ve been doing Couples Counseling and Family Therapy since 2006, and I absolutely love it. I began to really narrow my practice to mostly couples counseling in Lakewood a few years ago, and I haven’t looked back. I’m most passionate about helping people to create what they’ve possibly never had before – the kind of relationship that your heart yearns for and your brain tells you should be possible. Emotionally Focused Couples Counseling gets into the real stuff; that stuff that you feel is hovering every time you have an argument or feel disconnected. That stuff that you wish you could just wave a magic wand and fix in order to have a happy home or call off the divorce. It’s so scary to think about needing couples counseling, so let me walk with you both.
People who work with me say that I’m down-to-Earth, and they like being able to understand what we are doing and how it’s going to improve their lives (because I can’t help it, my clients always understand what this is about). I provide individual, marriage, and couples counseling in Lakewood (Denver). I work with sexual and intimacy concerns as well. We are conveniently located just off of 6th and Wadsworth Blvd. in Lakewood.
I Specialize In Couples Counseling for:
- Communication: Chronic arguing, inability to stay on-topic, inability to address the real issue, distance and avoidance
- Trust and Infidelity: Counseling after an affair, emotional affairs, recovering from infidelity or cheating
- Sex and Intimacy: Unsatisfactory sex life, lack of frequency, questions about whether you are sexually compatible
- Compatibility: Opposites that attract and then repel; differences in interests, temperament, emotional processing
- LGBTQ+ Affirmative Couples Counseling: Couples counseling for Gay and Lesbian issues, coming out, family dynamics, self-concept
- Pre-Marital Counseling: Establishment of a good foundation in marriage, guidance through conversations about expectations, finances, children, parenting, faith, etc.
- Adults experiencing things related to their current or past relationships: Depression or anxiety that is impacting a relationship, postpartum depression, healing from a divorce or bad breakup, insight into what went wrong and how to learn from where you’ve been [/two-thirds]
Some Background
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) with over 15 years of experience working with individuals, couples, and families. I received my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Social Work from Colorado State University. I received post-graduate training in marriage and family therapy from the Denver Family Institute. I am a certified by the International Center for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy as an Emotionally Focused Couples Therapist, and I’m currently working on certification as a supervisor in the model.
I have been a Buddhist practitioner since the early 2000’s, and this has been a deep source of meaning and strength for me personally. I enjoy my husband and two small children, traveling to international Buddhist retreats, reading a LOT of material on things I’m passionate about. I also love to write and cook vegetarian things that I just made up. As a serious amateur violinist, music is a big part of my life as well. Oh, and now I have fish tanks thanks to 18 months of Covid lockdown. I’m surprised that I don’t yet have a garden!
Let Me Help You Move Forward
I offer a free half hour consultation for couples counseling in Lakewood. If you want a truly effective couples counseling experience, let’s talk so that you can get a better idea of who I am and how I can help. The first step would be to either schedule a time to speak with me or simply book a consultation or session. I do have limited availability, so if you think you may be ready for counseling in the coming weeks it would be a great idea to start now. Our other clinicians are also available, so we pride ourselves in being able to get you in quickly if you are flexible with which of our wonderful clinicians you’d like to work with.
Contact Kat
If you are interested in connecting with Kat to inquire about services for individual, couples counseling, or EFT Supervision, fill out the form below and it will go directly to her. You can also call her at (720) 443-1947 ext 1.