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A Peaceful Life Counseling Services
Heal Your Relationship, Love Your Life
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Marriage counseling fears – it’s a real thing. The dilemma of the couples counseling stigma is all-too familiar to professionals who work with couples. We’ll sometimes hear: We feel like a failure that it’s come to this — that we need help with our marriage. We didn’t know where to go for help — We […]
Attachment styles have moved into more discussions and writing about relationships over the past few years. And for good reason: Understanding your own and your partner’s style can forge a new bridge to a deeper awareness of your differences. Most importantly, this new awareness opens the door to greater compassion — and then closeness. There’s […]
“How often should we come to couples counseling?” On every initial phone call with a couple interested in couples counseling, I get asked “How often should we come to couples counseling?” I recommend weekly sessions for the first 4-6 weeks, and then re-evaluate after that. That isn’t a requirement, but there are several good reasons […]
Why Relationship Advice Doesn’t Work The danger behind being seduced by relationship advice, tips, and tricks. Don’t you just wish that someone would tell you how to fix relationship problems? How many billions of dollars a year are spent in the self-help section, promising the solution to our most complicated issues? Unfortunately, there are real […]
What Couples Therapists Believe About Relationships (or at least they should) When your relationship isn’t going as it should be, it’s easy to rack your brain with all sorts of interpretations of what is going on, predictions about the future and what will happen, what needs to happen, etc. All of this can be very […]
Fighting about life after Covid and how quickly to get back to normal? You aren’t alone. Times are rough right now. With vaccines rolling out very slowly, many couples are thinking about what post-pandemic life will be like. They want to make travel plans, they are trying to figure out childcare and schooling. Many, many […]
In this post we’ll discuss the complex ways in which being raised by a critical parent can impact adult relationships. We’ll also help you with how to communicate important issues while also taking into account your partner’s sensitivities.
Couples’ arguments often actually have a pattern: The most common is when one of you wants to talk and reach resolution, but your partner shuts down.
Speaking up in relationships feels extremely challenging for many people and is more common than you might think. And, there’s usually — when we drill down to the emotional level — one basic element: Fear. In this post, we’re explaining those fears as well as the “root causes” of why speaking up in relationships […]
Couples and chores is a not-unusual source of arguments, hurt feelings and disconnection in relationships. However, what lies beneath the complaints that your partner is not doing his or her fair share of household chores, are typically much deeper feelings. And, it is these deeper emotions that can fuel the intensity of those arguments. In […]
Now accepting clients for limited morning/early afternoons. I cannot work with Medicaid clients, and I do not accept insurance.